What to Expect When You Visit Generations Church
Thinking of visiting Generations Church? If so, here is some information you might find helpful.
For Starters: We're real people who've experienced the lasting change that Jesus brings. We are all works in progress and we don't have it all together, so we don't expect that from you.
Simply come as you are and enjoy your time with us. We believe there are great things in store as you pursue a meaningful relationship with God.
Service Details: We meet every Sunday at 9:00am and 10:30am with services lasting about 60 minutes long. It is recommended to arrive about 15 minutes before the service start time so that you can park and get into the facility. We also encourage you to arrive early if you'd like to grab a free great cup of coffee at Common Ground, our in-house cafe. It's a really fun space and a great place to say hello to somebody and maybe meet somebody new.
Our children, ages K-6th grade, are invited to check-in as early as 8:45am or 10:15am. The GenKids Check-in kiosk is located and the far end of the Common Ground Café.
A nursery attendant will be available and our nursery can be accessed beginning at 8:45am and 10:15am.
What is a Service Like?
Generally speaking, our service begins with our worship/song service. Most people stand during this time, however, there is complete freedom to be seated if you prefer. The words of all of the songs are projected to the front of the sanctuary. Our hope is that you'll hear songs you know or can relate to, even if you haven't been to church in years.
Like most churches we receive an offering in our service. If you are a guest, please do not feel obligated to participate in the offering. This is intended for our regular attendees who consider Generations Church their church home.
As our guest, we ask that you take a few moments to complete the connect card which is found in your program given out as you enter the church. Feel free to put as much information as you are comfortable with. It is one of several ways you can request information, ask for prayer, let us know your thoughts, or just indicate your presence with us. In any case, we use it to pray for you during the week. You can simply drop it in the offering plate at the conclusion of our service. Also, you can always contact us by phone at our church office: 916-447-2216 or through our website: generationschurchsac.org
What About Children's Classes?
Our GenKids children's ministry, ages 0-6th grade, is always a big hit with the kids and we have a number of security measures in place so that you can rest and enjoy your service distraction free. If your child needs you during the service we have a pager system to notify you. When your child is taken to class a children's ministry number will be given to you. In the event that you are needed during the church service the number given to you will be displayed on the bottom corner of the projector image in the service so you can slip out and see them. Easy!
Our GenKids children's ministry, ages 0-6th grade, is always a big hit with the kids and we have a number of security measures in place so that you can rest and enjoy your service distraction free. If your child needs you during the service we have a pager system to notify you. When your child is taken to class a children's ministry number will be given to you. In the event that you are needed during the church service the number given to you will be displayed on the bottom corner of the projector image in the service so you can slip out and see them. Easy!
What Do You Offer for Junior High and High School Students?
Our NextGen Jr. High and High School students participate in the main worship service with the adults on Sunday. As you'll notice it's not uncommon to see our teens serve in areas of ministry during our worship gatherings. We cherish this and it's one of the identifiers of our name. Generations Church. We believe faith and serving the Lord is meant to be a multi-generational experience. We do have NextGen youth gatherings Wednesdays at 6:00pm and other activities that occur regularly. Keep your eye on our social media and Sunday programs each week for upcoming youth events. Check out our NextGen Instagram here.
Our NextGen Jr. High and High School students participate in the main worship service with the adults on Sunday. As you'll notice it's not uncommon to see our teens serve in areas of ministry during our worship gatherings. We cherish this and it's one of the identifiers of our name. Generations Church. We believe faith and serving the Lord is meant to be a multi-generational experience. We do have NextGen youth gatherings Wednesdays at 6:00pm and other activities that occur regularly. Keep your eye on our social media and Sunday programs each week for upcoming youth events. Check out our NextGen Instagram here.
What can I expect from the sermon?
Generations Church provides practical Bible messages that help you deal with real life issues. We'll even give you a handy outline with the main points and Bible verses. This is also included in the weekly program. It's a great resource to hang onto and look over during your week. Our Lead Pastor and main teaching pastor is Mark Cullum. We also have a group of pastors on our leadership team that share the teaching ministry of our church as well, Darren McClintock, Sean McFaul, and Joe Carrillo.
Generations Church provides practical Bible messages that help you deal with real life issues. We'll even give you a handy outline with the main points and Bible verses. This is also included in the weekly program. It's a great resource to hang onto and look over during your week. Our Lead Pastor and main teaching pastor is Mark Cullum. We also have a group of pastors on our leadership team that share the teaching ministry of our church as well, Darren McClintock, Sean McFaul, and Joe Carrillo.
What Should I Wear?
That's usually a pretty common question when someone gets invited to church. The best way to describe Generations Church would be casual and flexible. Some come dressed in business casual, while others come in jeans, shorts or other casual clothing. Be comfortable. There's no set standard.
What Should I Expect?
From the time that you pull into our parking area, you’ll find friendly people to make your first visit one that helps encourage you to return. When you enter the doors our greeters and ushers will welcome you, provide a bulletin for you, and answer any questions you might have about our service. We invite you to engage in Christ-centered worship and an application-filled study of God’s Word with us.
We also invite you to stop by our Guest Center at the front entrance where we have a welcome gift for you. Just our way of saying thank you for coming.
From the time that you pull into our parking area, you’ll find friendly people to make your first visit one that helps encourage you to return. When you enter the doors our greeters and ushers will welcome you, provide a bulletin for you, and answer any questions you might have about our service. We invite you to engage in Christ-centered worship and an application-filled study of God’s Word with us.
We also invite you to stop by our Guest Center at the front entrance where we have a welcome gift for you. Just our way of saying thank you for coming.
Whether you're looking for a church home or simply visiting the area, we invite you to join us anytime!